A "Halt the Dolores" sign sits on a fence overlooking the San Miguel River near Naturita. The San Miguel River meets the ...
My folks served in the Army during World War II, both of them. My dad was a general’s aid stateside and in France, and my mom was a decorated captain in the WAAC in England and France. Both were ...
During the 2020 campaign, GOP candidate Donald Trump tried to bamboozle the voters by stating that Biden’s economic plan would lead to a 1929-style depression. Quite the opposite happened: the stock ...
That’s what we all need to unite behind now. Vote for the best candidates, vote for civil discourse, vote for education that brings the power to solve problems and improve all lives. I see these ...
Anyone who has visited the Blue Lakes between Ouray and Telluride knows: it’s crowded. But that’s about to change. The U.S. Forest Service, which oversees the 16,200-acre area, which includes Dallas ...
Recent comments about Paul Black have included only vague platitudes such as “believes in sustainable development, appreciates clean air and water” and mentioned his property a lot. Guys, what do ...
Templeton’s family has been ranching in the West End for more than 100 years. He worries that a national monument could bring ...
Kenya, who was an adoptee and lived to the ripe doggie age of 16, was Mosher’s first dog. Thus, it was the first time she was ...
In several elections, the Democrat District 3 candidate didn’t even win the precinct in which he or she lived! In essence, the city of Durango has two county commissioners while the preferred ...
As a rural resident, it makes good sense to vote YES to protect mountain lions and bobcats from needless suffering done by trophy hunting and to stop trapping our bobcats just to make fur coats. I am ...
History is a funny thing, and we are living in truly historic times. There are several adages about history that most of us are familiar with, such as “those who fail to learn from the past are doomed ...