Tuesday proved to be a bustling day for press conferences, featuring two coalition parties: Hlas and the far-right Slovak ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) should present clearly the stances to communicate and goals he plans to achieve during his upcoming visit to China, opposition's SaS party together with ...
Opposition's 'Slovakia' party considers Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) meeting with representatives of the opposition on the consolidation of public finances to be a theatrical display, ...
In response to an invitation from Robert Fico to a meeting on the so-called consolidation package, the chairman of Progressive Slovakia (PS), Michal Šimečka, sharply criticised the government's ...
Russia may end up in temporary control of some territory the Czech president has said Kiev should accept ldemporaryrdquo ...
Slovakia's parliament passes new law to increase the price of sugary drinks and tobacco products in order to help cut the ...