B2B Customer Promise campaigns are more likely to drive uplifts in brand health measures such as consideration, preference and purchase intent. B2B Customer Promise campaigns also appear to outperform ...
This report spells out the media landscape marketers face, and the clear benefits that a well-thought out Earned Media strategy can offer brands.
Global consumers log in to social media platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook in search of funny and entertaining content rather than brand information, according to a global ...
There are a variety of attention measurement tools out there, ranging from facial coding and eye tracking to surveys; given that all have plusses and minuses, experts recommend using multiple methods.
If we use one word to sum up the lifestyle of contemporary people, it must be "takeout". Living on takeout has become the new normal for most people, and "buying everything from takeout" is also ...
Positive brand equity drives sales, increases profit-margin per customer, builds loyalty, and grows market share. According to 2024 GWI data, there is a clear motivation from shoppers to wait for ...
Oreo launched in India in 2011 as a niche kids’ biscuit brand with a modest 2% market share. We were up against legacy brands such as Parle G who have been part of the Indian cultural fabric... We’re ...
While carbon emissions must be reduced, how we measure them within the advertising hasn’t been standardised, creating challenges for advertisers and agencies alike. We’re an industry obsessed with ...