Philanthropies that are engaging in the climate space must be careful that their work is not exacerbating existing inequities ...
Philanthropies that are engaging in the climate space must be careful that their work is not exacerbating existing inequities. Though climate justice is now recognised in the mainstream as an ...
What is the difference between living in a world that is a mess and a world that is messy?’ This was how Philip Yun, Head ...
There is a place for everyone at the table to promote social change. This was how Julia Brindisi, Head of Philanthropic ...
There is a place for everyone at the table to promote social change. This was how Julia Brindisi, Head of Philanthropic ...
Social investment is about people. Prevention and care are also about people. At the 13th Brazilian Philanthropy Forum, with the theme ‘Interlaced Philanthropy’, the session ‘Emergency and Resilience: ...
Social investment is about people. Prevention and care are also about people.  At the 13th Brazilian Philanthropy Forum, with ...
AI has recently achieved advancements that feel straight out of science fiction. A prime example is the ‘Holodeck,’ developed ...
Asian philanthropy stretches back hundreds of years. Institutional philanthropy, however, is in its infancy. In fact, half of ...
Under the overarching theme of “Delivering Impactful Philanthropy in the Real World,” the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities ...
A brand new Commission for Asian Philanthropy has been launched, the first of its kind bringing together leading philanthropy ...
It may come as a surprise, but for an industry that exists to fight for the underdog – one of the greatest challenges facing ...