Falcón state is not only affected by the oil spills from the Paraguaná Refining Complex (CRP), which is the largest oil ...
The Gulf of Coro and the Paraguaná Peninsula are affected by four active oil spills that have been recorded by fishermen from ...
A new school year and recurrent old problems will mark the beginning of classes in the state of Lara, and more than 350,000 ...
The agricultural production numbers in the state of Guárico have shown a significant decrease caused in part by the lack of ...
Yousnel Alvarado was detained and taken to the GNB, on Cuatricentenaria Avenue in Barinas, where days later he […] ...
The inhabitants who benefit from the Solquin electrical circuit, which covers the Amuay and Jayana communities of the Los ...
Governor Manuel Rosales Guerrero presented “SIKI”, the robot that will represent Team Venezuela at the FIRST Global Challenge 2024 Robotics and […] ...
Antes de que una adolescente de Misisipi fuera declarada culpable de dispararle fatalmente a su madre y dispararle a su ...
El movimiento islamista palestino Hamás, le reclamó a la ONU que tome acciones inmediatas para que se termine la guerra en ...
“En estos momentos estamos en plena temporada del año escolar, donde muchos representantes han venido y realmente pocos han ...
El dirigente político de Centrados, Enrique Márquez, anunció en sus redes sociales que asistirá este 25 de septiembre a la ...
La líder democrática venezolana, María Corina Machado, aplaudió las declaraciones del presidente chileno, Gabriel Boric, ...